

学生会协会 (SGA)

The SGA is the voice of every student at 阿尔伯马尔学院 (COA) and is devoted to advocating for change that will enhance the educational, social and leadership development of the student body.

All curriculum students serve as part of the 学生 Senate and have the right to vote in every 学生会协会 student body meeting. Surveys and items up for vote influence the calendar of events and student activities. The 学生会协会’s elected officers encourage your attendance and participation at meetings.

Executive Board Members (2024-2025)

学生 位置
我是阿利维亚·米勒 总统
Shadonna斯宾塞 副总统
Rahna说格里芬 秘书
布兰登·摩尔 申博平台主任
安德鲁Ly 财务主管
Shumari威廉姆斯 参议院主席
伊曼纽尔·琼斯 Currituck参议员
Raegan华莱士 Currituck参议员
Kaedyn詹姆斯 伊丽莎白市参议员
Kya摩尔 伊丽莎白市参议员
艾迪生布瑞特 伊丽莎白市参议员
劳伦·达 Currituck参议员
Sieani Cordy Currituck参议员

学生会协会 资源

A. 职位概述

While reviewing the general position duties, please keep in mind that each member of the Executive Board is expected to take ownership for the success of SGA, and take on any responsibilities or tasks needed toward that end.

  1. 学生主席: The primary role of the 学生主席 is to oversee the completion of SGA goals and manage the executive board.
    • Governs SGA toward completing goals
    • Helps conduct SGA closed and open meetings
    • Engages in a bi-weekly session with the SGA advisor
    • Assists with executing SGA/学生 Life events
    • 参加 所有 SGA-sponsored申博官方
    • 参加 COA Board of Director’s meetings and provide updates on SGA
    • C所有 for Agenda items for every meeting (open and closed)
    • Provides guidance and leadership to 所有 members of the executive board
    • Fills in for various positions as needed
    • Represents the student body of COA on and off campus
  2. 副总统
    • Acts as 总统 upon his/her absence or request or in the event that the 总统 is temporarily unable to serve
    • Oversees 参议员的椅子s by supporting them with needed tools and resources as well as holding them accountable for their goals
    • Assists the Office of 学生 Life and Leadership with elections
    • Assists with executing SGA/学生 Life events
    • 参加 所有 SGA-sponsored申博官方
    • Fills in for various positions as needed
    • Represents the student body of COA on and off campus
  3. 秘书
    • Executes the duties of the 副总统 in his/her absence
    • Records minutes at Closed and Open meetings
    • Sends email reminders about upcoming events, deadlines and meetings
    • Assists with executing SGA/学生 Life events
    • 参加 所有 SGA-sponsored申博官方
    • Fills in for various positions as needed
    • Represents the student body of COA on and off campus
  4. 财务主管
    • 参加 any necessary 学生 Government financial meetings
    • Assists SGA advisor in creating and managing the SGA budget
    • Assists with executing SGA/学生 Life events
    • 参加 所有 SGA-sponsored申博官方
    • Fills in for various positions as needed
    • Represents the student body of COA on and off campus
  5. 申博平台主任
    • Works with marketing to create and maintain content for SGA web page
    • Creatively advertises SGA as well as specific events on assigned social media
    • Creates flyers and promotional items for SGA events (sends to marketing for approval)
    • Assists with executing SGA/学生 Life events
    • 参加 所有 SGA-sponsored申博官方
    • Fills in for various positions as needed
    • Represents the student body of COA on and off campus
  6. 参议员的椅子: The primary role of the 参议员的椅子 is to oversee the design and completion of SGA events on your designated Campus.
    • Oversees designated Campus Council (which consist of other senators and SGA volunteers)
    • Reserves rooms and coordinate set-up for open meetings (room with WebEx capabilities)
    • Reports event proposals and ideas to the executive board in closed meetings
    • Conducts meetings with your campus council and keep them informed
    • Assist with executing SGA/学生 Life events
    • Fills in for various positions as needed
    • 参加 所有 SGA-sponsored申博官方 on your designated campus
    • Represents the student body of COA on and off campus

All candidates for COA-SGA Executive Board positions must meet the following criteria:

  • All candidates must be currently enrolled and have completed 12 credits; candidates who are returning students must have and maintain a minimum grade-point average of 2.5.
  • All elected and appointed SGA E-board officers must satisfy the duties of office as stated in the SGA Constitution.
  • No student who has been placed on probation by the College for violation of the 学生 Code of Conduct is eligible to hold an official SGA E-board position.
  • No elected or appointed SGA E-board officer may hold a faculty, administrative or full-time position with the College.


  • 总统
  • 副总统
  • 秘书
  • 财务主管
  • 申博平台主任

All candidates for COA-SGA Senate positions must meet the following criteria:

  • All candidates must be currently enrolled and have completed 12 credits; candidates who are returning students must have and maintain a minimum grade-point average of 2.5.
  • All elected and appointed SGA Senators must satisfy the duties of office as stated in the SGA Constitution.
  • No student who has been placed on probation by the College for violation of the 学生行为守则(PDF) is eligible to hold an official SGA position.
  • No elected or appointed SGA Senator may hold a faculty, administrative or full-time position with the College.


  • 参议员的椅子
  • Senators (up to four for each campus)


  • 艾伦,黎明

  • Coordinator, 学生 Life and Leadership

  • COA -伊丽莎白市:150摄氏度

  • 252-335-0821 ext. 2240